Release, Recharge, Reclaim

An eight week program for women to achieve freedom from overwhelming and debilitating emotions to show up with energy, confidence, and motivation, and feel more energized and enthusiastic about life.

Rediscover Your Motivation

You dread getting out of bed and facing the

day. Even the smallest tasks feel overwhelming to tackle. Gain clarity about why these tasks feel like a struggle and how to replace the feelings of struggle with feelings of peace. Create the energy to develop solutions that will calm your mind, keep it positively engaged, and make way for a brighter future.

Recognize Your True Desires

You fret when you have to make decisions, overanalyzing every part of it until you're exhausted and just as uncertain as when you started. Uncover ways to engage in decision making without the hemming and hawing. Release other's expectations placed on you to discover what you truly want for yourself with confidence.

Empower Your Present & Future

You’ve lost your way, and you’re not sure who you really are. Realign with your true self and harness your internal power. Instead of falling apart, destroy fear and stand strong in any challenges that come your way. Create connected and fulfilling relationships while building the life you desire..

About Me

Cynthia Armstrong

In my late twenties, I was exhausted and felt miserable about my relationships and my life in general. I was making decisions by reacting to my emotions, so my children never knew if they were going to get the patient, fun mom or the grumpy, impatient one. When I was alone, I would have bouts of panic attacks, with me ending up barricaded in my room just waiting for that ‘bad thing’ to get me. I didn’t want to go to bed at night because that meant having to lay there with my roiling thoughts and emotions. I became an expert at finding work and other distractions.

I tried various mainstream and alternative therapies, none of which worked at a lasting level. I felt hopeless, but part of me refused to give up. I kept looking for answers that would bring lasting change and release me from the pain and funk that I was in. In my search, I found a way to release myself from my mental and emotional turmoil. I was amazed when maybe three good days in a month became 30. I discovered ways to recharge myself and build up inner strength. With that strength, I was ready to reclaim the joy, energy, and motivation that seemed so impossible earlier.

I now live my life joyfully and have deep, meaningful relationships with my family and friends. I enjoy going to bed and waking up rested. I am motivated to go places and do things I would never have dreamt of before. I don’t get frozen in making decisions and do not fear their outcome. And when life’s inevitable bumps come along, I am able to face them with continued peace.

This has made such a positive impact on my life that I want to help others achieve the same without the long, sometimes painful journey that I experienced.



“This was a 5/5 experience from start to finish. My biggest concern prior to this experience was anxiety. I have had feelings of anxiety for the last twenty years which has made my body ache and feel heavy. I tried medications for my anxiety, therapy, working out, and various other options that have been suggested to me but nothing ever seemed to work. Today I left my session with a feeling of lightness that I haven’t ever experienced.

I now have tools and a model to understand what is going on around me and how I am reacting to them.

I love how raw and authentic the sessions felt, I didn’t feel like I needed to put my walls up but I wanted to put them down the more we spoke.

I believe this program is worth every penny and every minute you spend working with Cynthia because it helps you to see your full potential without any hesitations or what ifs. I now feel limitless to what I can achieve in this life.”

- Maddie Price


Before the program I was externally driven. I had a lot of “fixed” beliefs on how things get to look or should be.

I had a lot of anxiety and frustrations. It was taking a toll in all aspects of my life.

I was a human vacuum doing what I “thought” was my best but unconsciously sucking the life out of my children. I was operating from a victim mode.

I knew that there was something more out there than the life I was living. I was stuck in my cyclical thinking and didn’t know how to get past it.

This program is so simple yet so profound. It should definitely be a prerequisite to life.

To gain the tools and perspective to live internally has been the most priceless experience for me.

Without the program, I would have lived and died never really fully alive.

- Yvonne Livai

“You have played such a crucial role in our lives. What a ride it’s been. You are amazing and have had an immeasurable impact on our lives.

Thank you, thank you for all that you have done for us.”

- Rochelle & Terry Smith

“People who play sports have coaches. People who play instruments have instructors. In life, I have Cynthia. She is very talented.”

- Ivan Kunic

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All Rights Reserved.